
• New Zealand market value evaluation

Jan 15, 2024 - 5:13 PM hours
-work in progress-


1. General code of behavior:

1.1. Follow the rules and try to obey the netiquette.
1.2. If you use quotes, only quote the important bits. No full citation!
1.3. Don’t feed the trolls – ignore them.
1.3.1. If you feel like a post is provocative, offensive or breaks our rules in any means use the “alarm” button to draw the moderator’s attention to the post. Don’t reply to the post!
1.4. Respect other user’s opinions.
1.5. Respect teams and players – even if they your rival.
1.6. Don’t use foul language.
1.7. Only use the English language.

2. Prohibitions, obligations and sanctions

2.1. Sharing live streaming platforms is strictly prohibited!
2.2. Spamming is prohibited!
2.3. Quote the source, if you want to change a player’s market value based on rumors.
2.4. If you have been sanctioned and you don’t feel like you deserve the sanction, you can ask an admin or moderator for explanation.
2.4.1. You can identify moderators by their red coat beside their username.
2.5. Don’t drift into off-topic.

3. Market values

3.1. Try to support your suggestion with coherent arguments.
3.2. The market values are not only based on a player’s performance. It’s the product of many factors like performance, age, talent, reputation, market development etc.
3.3. Moderators can delete unnecessary posts (off-topic, one-liner etc.).
3.4. The bigger the difference between your suggestion and the current market value, the better your argument should be.
3.5. The better the argument, the bigger the influence on upcoming updates.


FAQ – market values

Evaluating market values is very complex. Because of that, you can’t give a market value which doesn’t leave room for interpretations and discussions. We don’t want an algorithm to “automatically” come up with a market value. We want our market values based on professional knowledge and discussions between users.

Why don’t you put the transfer fee as market value?
Transfer fees are based on different factors. Some factors may have appeared after the last transfer update, are not decisive for our evaluations (contract length, bidding wars, forced sale etc.), etc.
To be more precise at the next market value update those factors have to be taken into account.

How to handle the market values of young talents?
Today’s transfer market tends to “overpay” for talents. These talents are marked as “investment in the future”. Transfer fees for young talents have to be weighed very carefully.

How important is the development of the transfer market?
The transfer market has changed dramatically in the last couple of years. So Transfermarkt decided to focus more on the development of the transfer market. Users are encouraged to do so as well.

How important are rumors?
It’s pretty easy to spread rumors nowadays. A lot of those rumors are just not true or the attempt of agents to boost their clients value. So it’s pretty important to evaluate the source’s credibility.

Why do you update the market values only every few months?
Soccer is a fast-moving environment. As quick as a player is coming up, as quick he sinks into obscurity. Transfermarkt wants to avoid snap judgments. We want to analyze a player’s development over a certain period.

Market value definition: (short version)
This contribution was last edited by CLvis on Feb 27, 2024 at 10:05 PM hours
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